Where High Achieving Women Come to Catapult Their Activation into the

Feminine Mysteries & Embodiment


Where High Achieving Women Come to Catapult Their Activation into the

Feminine Mysteries & Embodiment


Claim Your Birthright to Live as a
Confident Vibrant Pleasure-Filled
Ageless Goddess

I see you, Beloved.

Deep in your heart and soul is a Knowing… an Inner Whisper telling you that there is so much more for you in this life…

That your best years are not behind you they’re ahead of you…

That all of your life’s experiences are lessons that have led you to exactly where you are now for a reason…. for a purpose…

That you should not settle…

That you can claim and create the life of your dreams…

And that there is a powerful, magical and alive version of you waiting to be fully birthed and claimed.

You’ve laid the foundation by doing loads of personal growth and spiritual work, and now you’re ready for a giant leap, upgrade and expansion. You know there is no time to waste and the time is now. 

I’m here to tell you that…

It’s your birthright to experience a life of

Freedom, Love, Passion, and Power.

Initiation into the Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment is your next growth edge and quantum leap into your next level of expansion….

To step into your Queen Energy. 

My work is a supercharged activation into Sacred Union Alchemy where the wisdom of our bodies, emotions and sexuality (feminine) are activated and brought into balance with our minds and awareness (masculine).

As you enter your 40s and 50s, you are entering a Sacred Liminal Space…  that holds the potential of your greatest transformation and birth of your Queen. In this Sacred Portal you can claim your birthright of living as a confident, vibrant, and pleasure-filled Ageless Goddess rather than secretly fearing it, resisting it or settling. You can embrace the unknown space, the tunnel to… 

• Step into your Queen Energy, awaken your Aliveness, Your Passion and Heart…
• Alchemize the Wisdom and Experience of your life…
• And Create an Awe-Inspiring Life

Welcome Beloved,

I am Laura Castillo, and I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m on a mission to empower women into Sacred Union Alchemy by activating and reclaiming the wisdom of their bodies, emotions and sexuality (feminine)  and bringing them into balance with their masculine (mind and awareness). 

I help high-achieving women who find themselves feeling stuck, who are coming up against repetitive blocks and patterns of self-doubt, who struggle with feeling numb and disconnected from their emotions, who are feeling unfulfilled and unmet in relationships, who are entering a new phase of life or are at a big transition point, women who are longing for their next level of expansion and purpose in their lives because deep down inside you know it’s yours to claim and that your entire life has brought you to this point.

Deep in your heart and soul you know that the experience and wisdom of your journey can be alchemized to birth your Queen so that you can create your most magical life. 

And your age is not going to stop youQuite the contrary.

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Embodiment Practice

Feminine Reset

In this 11 min embodiment practice, I’ll guide you to shift out of your masculine “doing” and into your feminine receptivity and pleasure. This is one of my core daily practices to soften and surrender into my heart and body.

Through Sacred Union Alchemy… 

Disconnection and numbness transform into aliveness and pleasure

The body becomes a sacred temple and vehicle for awakening. We reclaim emotions, sexuality, our lower centers, our animal nature as sacred. We activate and increase our Shakti/life force and our capacity to feel

Stuckness gives way to transformation and expansion

Embodiment to clear and rewire. Rather than accumulating more concepts or incorporating more positive mindset tools, we go straight to the body and nervous system to clear stagnant energies and rewire limiting beliefs and core wounds at an embodied level.

Loving presence births inner sacred union and living from our hearts

Rather than resisting sensation, emotion and what is, we cultivate Embodied Presence for grounding and safety. We allow all of life to flow through us while holding it in Loving Presence. In this state of Embodied Presence, we become Love itself. Inner Sacred Union is birthed. We move through the world from our hearts. 

Integration and lasting transformation become reality

Mentorship provides support, accountability and firm yet gentle guiding towards creating the extraordinary life you desire. This provides you with consistency so that you can create momentum to confidently step out into the world as your Queen 

Ways to Work Together

Ways to Work Together

Your Breakthrough Session

1:1 session to give you a somatic taste of the life-altering transformation that is possible when you get out of your head and into your body. Step Into the Portal of Creation to Greet your Inner Queen and activate your timeline of living as an alive, passionate, and heart-centered Goddess.

1:1 Private Mentorship

A Sacred 6 Month Initiation and Activation into the Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment to propel you into your next level of expansion to birth Your Queen. This is a highly personalized journey of your Rebirth so that you can step into this next phase of your life with confidence to create an extraordinary life of your own design

Sacred Union Alchemy Retreats

Life-changing events, workshops, and retreats at sacred spots around the world to immerse yourself in Sacred Union Alchemy where you will undergo your next-level upgrade of integrating and balancing your body, emotions and sexuality with awareness. Awakening life force energy, clearing stagnant energies, integrating shadow and core wounds, activating authentic self-expression, opening creativity and intuition, aligning to your passion and . In these immersive events, you enter a world where your body becomes the alchemical container and you become the magic.

Join us for an unforgettable transformative experience

What they are saying…

The Doorway To Your Expansion and
Birthing Your Queen is Open.

Will you Enter?

Opening and living from the heart may be scary… but living only in the head is unfulfilling.
Reclaiming your feminine wisdom and power is what will catalyze you into claiming the version of you waiting to be birthed.
And trust me, it’s never too late to meet her.


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Laura Castillo

