1:1 Private Mentorship

with Laura Castillo

A 6-9 Month Sacred Initiation into the Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment
to propel you into Expansion and Rebirth as your Queen


1:1 Private Mentorship

with Laura Castillo

A 6-9 Month Sacred Initiation into the Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment
to propel you into Expansion and Rebirth as your Queen


I will guide you to

Awaken your aliveness, passion and heart – and alchemize the wisdom of your journey…

So that you can create your most extraordinary life.

Together we will reclaim the Sacred Liminal Space of entering your 40s and 50s as a Sacred Portal for Rebirth and Revitalization.

I see you Beloved.

You are a woman who knows deep in your heart and soul that there is a version of you waiting to be fully birthed and claimed…  that you are ready to step into your full power, aliveness and purpose… that your Queen is ready to come online.

Your intuition whispers to you that there is greater feminine power and embodiment available to you … just waiting for you to tap into.

And most importantly…  you are a woman who is not afraid to take a leap. You’ve achieved success in your life. You’ve taken risks and won. You have the courage to dive into your deepest heart’s longing. You also have the courage to dive into your shadow, pain and old patterns.. to alchemize them into your Rebirth. You know you’re worth investing in yourself and that your throne is simply waiting for you to claim it. 

An intimate and personal journey with me for those ready to step into their greatest expansion, power and into Your Queen. 

This is a journey for those of you who know your best years are not behind you but they’re ahead of you… that all of your life’s experiences are lessons that have led you to exactly where you are now for a reason…. for a purpose… that you should not settle… that you can claim and create the life of your dreams… and that there is a powerful, magical, and alive version of you waiting to be fully birthed and claimed.

This journey is a supercharged activation into Sacred Union Alchemy where the wisdom of your body, emotions and sexuality (feminine) are activated and brought into balance with your mind and awareness (masculine).

How to know if this is for you?

You hear an Inner Whisper telling you  there is so much more for you in this life… that your best years are not behind, you they’re ahead of you…

That all of your life’s experiences are lessons that have led you to exactly where you are now for a reason…. for a purpose… that you should not settle… that you can claim and create the life of your dreams… and that there is a powerful, magical and alive version of you waiting to be fully birthed and claimed.

You’ve laid a foundation for yourself by doing loads of personal growth and spiritual work but find yourself coming up against repetitive blocks and patterns. You feel numb and disconnected from your emotions, unfulfilled and unmet in relationship, and may be at a big transition point in your life.

I see you Beloved. I’m here to tell you that what’s holding you back is your disconnection from your body, your emotions, your sexuality and the awakening your feminine power.

Feel Familiar?

You find yourself settling in relationship and “can’t find a man who matches your personal power”.

Deep in your heart you long to be held, cherished, claimed and met by your partner. 

You’ve experienced disappointment and pain in life, and you’ve armored your heart to protect yourself.

You’ve repeatedly tried to create change in your life but keep coming up against the same blocks, like self-doubt and dimmed creativity

You long for deeper self-trust and confidence in your decisions. 

It’s difficult for you to express your emotions. Instead you disconnect from your emotions and stay in your head.  

You find it difficult to relax and let go during love making. You find yourself focused on reaching orgasm in the same, controlled way each time and secretly want to bring your partner to orgasm quickly.

If so, the missing link to your next growth edge and expansion is your

initiation into the feminine mysteries and embodiment.

I’ve been there too. I spent many years on a spiritual path, cultivating mindfulness, doing yoga, learning communication skills. I was doing all the “right” things to grow, but I found myself facing the same blocks and patterns. I was living in my head. I knew something was missing, but I didn’t’ know where to look.  

I didn’t know the missing link was my body, my emotions, my sexuality and divine feminine wisdom. 

I spent so many years searching for the missing

piece to propel me on my journey. I wish I would’ve had a mentor to guide me and lead me directly to the path I was seeking.  

With deep humility, I offer that it is my soul’s calling to initiate and activate you into your feminine power and embodiment to realize that your throne is waiting for you to claim it. I will supercharge your transformation and remind you of your birthright to an extraordinary life. I will guide you to step into greater expansion and into Your Queen.


Rebirth Journey

into Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment


Topics We May Cover During Our Journey 

  1.     Cultivation of your life force energy/Shakti
  2.     Sacred Sexuality and embodying your desire and sensuality
  3.     Emotional detoxification to clear the old & make room for new
  4.     Inner child work to create safety and receive love
  5.     Shadow work to transform the unconscious into true power
  6.     Healing Mother and Father wounds to receive more love
  7.     Balancing of feminine and masculine energies
  8.     Embodied mindfulness and presence
  9.     Authentic and empowered communication tools

What’s included

  • 2 monthly 90 minute 1:1 Zoom sessions with Laura for 6 months (12 sessions)
  • 2 monthly 30 minute integration phone calls for 6 months (12 integration calls)
  • Tailored Embodiment Practices to support you with implementing and integrating 
  • Private Message Container and access to Laura so that you feel truly held and supported throughout this Sacred Initiation and can stay in touch between sessions
  • Activation Recordings & Guided Meditations to support you in between sessions

Extras & Add-Ons:


  •     3-Month Advanced Integration 1:1 Container upon completion of 6 Month Rebirth Journey

My devotion to you.

I will show up fully for you during this 6-month journey Beloved! I will walk beside you, guide you and initiate you into the practices that will assist you in unlocking the codes for your greatest transformation.

I will hold a Sacred Mirror to you to reflect your True Power and Wholeness

Discover Sacred Union, with:

The Sacred Union Alchemy Codex:

Activate your life force energy Shakti. Liberate your sexual energy. Unlock your sexuality. Open your emotional body. Ignite your womb and deeply connect to Mother Earth’s energy and Kundalini.

Embody sensation and emotion. Allow the body to make the unconscious conscious. Feel greater sensation and emotion. Allow it to be expressed. Move stagnant and stuck emotions. Feel and express shadow, wounds, and limiting beliefs with Tender Loving Presence.

Expand your nervous system and rewire beliefs. Learn to hold more joy, love, and abundance. Expand your consciousness to new levels of freedom, love and connection to Spirit. Expand your heart.

What they are saying…

If you are a Yes…

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