
Laura Castillo


What Led Me Here…

I didn’t always know I was a Goddess…

As a child I learned that my value came from my achievements. 

I went on to “do” a lot… all the right things that the world and my parents told me meant that I was a success. I kept accomplishing and achieving. I became a well-respected and successful divorce lawyer! I looked to my relationships for safety and security.

I was living in a state of anxiety and stress… wearing masks and identifying with my roles.  I was emotionally and sexually repressed. 

I was uptight, insecure and controlling. My codependency brought painful cycles of drama in my relationships.

Even with all the achievements, even after becoming a successful lawyer… my soul was yearning for me. Does this sound familiar?

I had no idea in 2022, that I would find myself in the dark depths of Grief

And that this would lead me to a period of CONSCIOUS CELIBACY and the reclamation of my true nature as a GODDESS

My first born son leaving home for college was my initiation into grief and its deep feminine magic. My son and I are kindred souls. When he was born, my heart cracked open with love. And as a single mother, we are extremely close

Leading up to his departure and move across the world, I had deep feelings of loss and grief, of time passing too fast, pain and regrets

It was a feeling of loss I had never experienced before in this life. My heart was being ripped from my chest. I was so excited and happy for him to start this next chapter of his life. And at the same time there was deep grief and knowing that the chapter we had of him as a child in my home was over…. It would never be again. A death was taking place.

I didn’t fully understand it at the time, but….

I was entering a Sacred Portal… a liminal space, PERIOD OF TRANSITION, that held the deepest potential for my rebirth.

My heart cracked open again. I learned the power of love through deep EMBODIMENT. I descended into the deep darkness of my grief to alchemize it in my body… to birth pure love from my heart.

This was the catalyst for me stepping through another Sacred Threshold…

The reclamation of my worth, choosing myself, of true Self-Love.

It led me to CONSCIOUS CELIBACY and being alone for the first time in my life.

This choice was me rejecting the illusion that I needed a partner to be “complete”. This was my reclamation of my birthright of experiencing joy & pleasure within myself.

This period of conscious aloneness was my GATEWAY to claim my worthiness… to create a boundary for that which i was no longer available for… and to remember my true nature as a GODDESS.

6 months later my Beloved appeared. I had never felt so seen & met…a soul meeting. But given our different life stages and his plan to move out of the country 2 months later, I was afraid to open to a relationship with an expiration date

I felt the potential of falling deeply in love, and I only wanted to open if there was some sort of guarantee (even though I know there never is one). 

After much reflection I recognized this relationship was there to expose my shadow, fear of being alone. I decided to say yes to this experience & allow my heart to open, despite knowing it would end soon,  to use it as a catalyst to integrate my shadow and the pain of feeling alone

What happened next was truly MYSTICAL

I experienced a powerful SEXUAL AWAKENING and initiation by the Divine Feminine

For weeks immense sexual energy ran through my body… pure life force. I couldn’t sleep. I entered a state of pure ecstasy. I moved through the world in an orgasmic flow state

The natural world came alive… the ocean, every tree and flower, speaking to me. I was connected to my innocent erotic nature. I felt a vibrancy and magnetism I had never experienced before. 

With my beloved, I accessed states of pleasure, love and connection to the Divine I didn’t know were possible… At 47 years of age!

I SURRENDERED to the sexual energy running through my body. It purged anything held in my body that was not love… past pain that I had never processed. 

I EMBODIED the grief of the loss of this love that I was opening to.. And other old emotions I had not processed

As I cleared, HUGE amounts of ecstasy & pleasure filled my body and my heart. 

I felt a vibrancy and radiancy that I had never felt before. 

People in my life wanted to know what I was doing… why I looked so RADIANT, YOUTHFUL and FREE

I was awakened to the truth of my nature as an AGELESS GODDESS… and YES this is possible for YOU! AT ANY AGE!

My Soul’s Calling

Is to serve humanity and the planet in the collective Awakening of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine.

I’m on a mission to empower women to activate and reclaim the wisdom of their bodies, emotions and sexuality and bring them into balance with their masculine…

And to step into their Queen by reclaiming the Sacred Liminal Space of entering their 40s and 50s as a Sacred Portal for Rebirth and Revitalization so that they may live as confident, relaxed, powerful, vibrant, pleasure-filled ageless Goddesses.

It’s time to shift the paradigm of false belief that aging means to lose vitality, beauty and magnetism and reclaim the truth that this sacred portal holds keys to birthing your purpose and living your soul’s unique creation codes and unlimited pleasure potential

Initiating and activating women into the feminine mysteries and embodiment is what makes me come alive. My passion is creating sacred containers of transformation.

I create a space where you are safe to meet all parts of yourself with unconditional acceptance in a deep somatic way.

All parts are welcome… the light and beauty… and the dark and messy.

I guide you into deep somatic practices utilizing breath, sound and movement where you learn to honor the body temple as sacred, hold more sensation, more aliveness and meet this aliveness with your Presence.

I guide you into your own body wisdom and meet the Goddess you are.

I share what has worked in my body and in my life.

From Divorce Lawyer to Sacred Union Priestess…

A Professional Journey of Healing Relationship Dynamics

Laura Castillo’s true embodiment of both masculine and feminine energies has its roots in her unique weaving of her diverse professional background, consisting of:

  • 15+ years of high conflict family law, guiding clients through the complexities of the dense and highly masculine legal system and often through toxic and co-dependent relationship dynamics.
  • Professional Mediation with years of study of Nonviolent Communication and conflict resolution with mentors including Tom Carlisi, John Kinyon and Thom Bond.
  • Facilitation of international conscious communication and relationship retreats.
  • Training mediators and lawyers on conscious communication, mindfulness and somatics, and coaching couples in conflict resolution, conscious relating, heart-centered communication, setting boundaries and building intimacy.
  • Founder of Radiant Life School of Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry as a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher, and countless hours learning with her mentors Holly and Matthew Krepps of Circle Yoga Shala.
  • Breathwork facilitation training with David Elliott.
  • Priestess in the Isis Magdalene Sophia Rose Lineage, and Isis Mysteries Temple Arts of Sacred Union Facilitator having studied with her mentor, Akara Sophia. 
  • Tantrika and Somatic Tantric Practitioner studying with Chantelle Raven.
  • Studying sacred sound and classical Hindustani music with Sai Ganesh.
  • Most importantly, Laura has found her greatest teachers are her Body and Sacred Relationship. She has learned that through her body she has access to great wisdom and Spirit. She has learned that through the transformational path of Sacred Relationship, great alchemy occurs birthing true Love and Freedom.

Laura’s dedicated self-practice, embodiment and integration of the divine feminine mysteries allows her to take women deep. She mentors and guides clients to the depths that she has learned to hold herself.

Laura’s offers a unique weaving & embodiment of true inner and outer sacred union.

Work with me


Your Breakthrough Session

1:1 session to give you a somatic taste of the life-altering transformation that is possible when you get out of your head and into your body. Step Into the Portal of Creation to Greet your Inner Queen and activate your timeline of living as an alive, passionate, and heart-centered Goddess.


Rebirth Journey- A 6 Month Private Mentorship

A Sacred 6 Month Initiation and Activation into the Feminine Mysteries and Embodiment to propel you into your next level of expansion to birth Your Queen. This is a highly personalized journey of your Rebirth so that you can step into this next phase of your life with confidence to create an extraordinary life of your own design