with Laura Castillo

A 7 week online group program and
ceremonial embodiment photoshoot to…

Activate your feminine aliveness, sensuality and magnetism

Liberate your full, creative, embodied expression

Capture your Divine Feminine Goddess essence in photos & video

I am my own muse.

I am the subject I know best.

The subject I want to know better.

-Frida Kahlo

This isn’t just a program, it’s a RITE OF PASSAGE.

Instead of seeing the camera as something to endure… we’ll use the photoshoot as the alchemical container to transform into the MUSE, who loves to be seen, who is confident sharing her voice, her message and embodying her full unapologetic sensual expression every day.

I used to hate my photos. I felt uptight. I tried to create the perfect angle and pose. And no matter how perfect my smile or my bodyI always found fault. It was the same in the bedroom. Making love felt performative. I felt self- conscious and tense. I thought my partner would be turned on by me wearing a sexy outfit, taking the perfect sexual position or making just the right sounds.

What I didn’t understand then that I do now… is that MY TURN ON… which comes from INSIDE OF ME… from my embodied sexual energy, sensuality and aliveness is magnetic.


When we claim our erotic and orgasmic nature, we liberate our full, creative expression and power.

Our feminine aliveness longs to be seen.

And to be fully initiated into our embodied aliveness means to be seen and witnessed.

For me each photoshoot I’ve done and each time I make love with my partner is an initiation into deeper embodiment while being witnessed.

This creates sacred union… feminine aliveness being held in masculine presence.

And it is truly transformational. This is why I’ve created this transformational journey for you.

Are you a woman who…

Longs to be more comfortable and confident in your own skin?

Desires to express your full feminine range… sensual, soft, wild, mystical… and most of all… unapologetic in your expression?


Are you a woman who…

Longs to be relaxed and confident being SEEN in your sensual/sexual expression by a partner?

Longs for beautiful and embodied new photos and video clips for a new venture, business or simply for yourself and your own art & expression?

Wants to uncover your expression and feminine aliveness with a group of like-minded sisters on the journey with you and also cheering you on?

Is stepping into (or would like to step into) more visibility… in your business, community, online?

Then this is for you!


Being a woman…

Who INSTEAD of feeling numb and depleted…. Feels vitality,
sensuality and creativity pulsing through her veins.

Who INSTEAD of feeling uptight and uneasy in her expression… feels totally at ease in her movement, how she speaks and how she holds space. The voices in her head that used to censor her no longer run the show. She trusts in her own voice. She trusts what’s in her heart and womb… and gives voice to it.

Who INSTEAD of feeling self-conscious and anxious showing up in photos or online… feels confident and excited to show up. She’s so connected to her own energy that it oozes out to the camera. She loves the photos captured… as it’s no longer just about the exterior but about the energy emanating from her being.

Who INSTEAD of feeling insecure and reluctant being seen by a man or partner… feels not only at ease being fully seen, with the lights on in the bedroom… but is actually excited by being seen. She’s playful and confident because she knows HER OWN turn on is THE turn on. She feels his gaze and instead of avoiding it, she lets it stoke her inner fire and eroticism.

Over the course of 7 weeks…

we will journey together to

  • Activate your creative life force energy, Kundalini shakti
  • Get out of your head into your body to feel more sensuality, aliveness
  • Release and clear shame of your body, sexuality and desire
  • Activate & embody divine feminine archetypes
  • Reclaim your birthright of divine feminine power
  • Create your personalized ritual to invoke your inner muse
  • Curate an epic photoshoot that represents your singular Goddess essence
  • Step into Being Seen and Witnessed as the Goddess and Muse with fellow sisters

What’s Included?

  • 7 week container holding you in transforming from being uneasy and insecure in front of the camera… into being confident, sensual and alive being seen.
  • 5- group calls that include transmission, activation, ceremony, and celebration
    Embodiment practices, tools to implement in between sessions
  • Group whatsapp container to share experiences and deepen integration Guidance in curating your epic photoshoot that represents your singular Goddess essence
  • Guided individual embodiment ritual and photoshoot which will include individual movements, as well as group movement and raw video if desired
  • Individual photoshoot with special guest embodiment photographer/videographer

Here’s how the journey will unfold:

Week 1: Claim what you want for yourself.

Week 2: Clear shame around your sexuality and your desire nature.

Week 3: Embody the lover.

Week 4: Embody the wild woman.

Week 5: Rest and integration.

Week 6: Individual photoshoots

Week 7: Group ceremony & celebration.


Group calls live & recorded:


November 3, 10, 17, 24 4-6pm

Photoshoot Integration & Curation:
Week of December 1st

Individual photoshoots:
December 5-15

Group ceremony & celebration live & recorded:

Sunday, December 22 4-6pm

Contact Laura

Phone: +1 (808) 728-2800
Email: iam.lauracastillo@gmail.com

to apply now or for more information!