Your Breakthrough Session

1:1 session to give you a somatic taste of what is possible when you get out of your head and into your body.

Step Into the Portal of Creation to Greet your Inner Queen and activate your timeline of living as an alive, passionate, and heart-centered Goddess.  


Your Breakthrough Session

1:1 session to give you a somatic taste of what is possible when you get out of your head and into your body.

Step Into the Portal of Creation to Greet your Inner Queen and activate your timeline of living as an alive, passionate, and heart-centered Goddess.  


You are Ripe for a Breakthrough Session if…

You’ve done your share of personal growth and spiritual work but are still coming up against the same patterns

You’ve achieved success in the masculine paradigm, but you know it’s been at the expense of your aliveness, ease and sensuality

You have an inner knowing that what you’re doing in your life isn’t your fullest expression or purpose

You don’t feel fully satisfied or met in relationship (and possibly even doubt that you can be met fully by a partner)

You feel stuck or stagnant in your creativity or expression

When you’re honest with yourself, you’re holding onto grief or pain around past disappointments or failures

You’re frustrated with miscommunication and breakdowns in communication in your relationship

You’re not fully satisfied with the sexual and emotional connection in your relationship

Are You Ready…


to breakthrough repetitive patterns and create momentum so that you can step into your full power, authenticity and abundance… and stop playing small


to reconnect to your intuitive wisdom and power so that you can confidently claim your desires and trust yourself deeply


to embody connection, flow and ease so you can show up in your life with more energy and aliveness to do the things you love


to experience deeper emotional and sexual connection in your relationship no matter your life stage


to feel more pleasure so that your life and relationships are filled with more love, creativity and aliveness

If so, then welcome Beloved, I’ve got you.

Hi there love,

I’m Laura Castillo,
Somatic Practitioner & Tantrika

There was a time where even though I looked like a Goddess on the outside, I was hyper masculine on the inside. My nervous system was in a state of anxiety and stress. I was achieving, doing and living from the neck up to try to feel safe. I had put armor around my heart. I was disconnected from my body, my emotions and my sexuality.

I had been on a personal growth and spiritual path for years but was still coming up against the same repetitive patterns. I wasn’t feeling met in relationship. I told myself I couldn’t find a partner who could match my personal power or lead me. I knew I wasn’t living the fullest expression of myself or my purpose in my work but didn’t know how to breakthrough my blocks.

Sound familiar?

The truth is I was saying I wanted certain things… but my body and nervous system said something else. And guess what? The body doesn’t lie! And it will not expand without contracting. The contractions are where it’s at!

Reclaiming my body as sacred, my emotions and sexuality as sacred has been the most profound shift in my entire life.
Through somatic and nervous system work, along with sacred sexuality I was able to purge years of stuck energy… pain, disappointment, fear… to open my channel and create the life and love that I was longing for.

In Sacred Union with my beloved, I’ve merged the somatic and nervous system work into the conscious communication, authentic relating, and boundary work I’ve done for many years as a divorce lawyer, mediator and tantrika . Sacred Relationship is an intense transformational pathway and alchemy into true freedom and love. Through Sacred Sexuality and Tantra I’ve discovered depths of passion, pleasure, intimacy and connection with my Beloved and Spirit that I didn’t believe possible.

You are fundamentally worthy of all you desire! I am here to guide you through a portal of transformation. A Breakthrough Session will give you a taste of my magic so that you too can claim your birthright of living as a confident, vibrant, pleasure-filled ageless Goddess who finally puts her pleasure first after years of giving to others.

Session may include:

  • Cultivation of your life force energy/Shakti
  • Sacred Sexuality and embodying your desire, pleasure and sensuality
  • Emotional release and detoxification to clear the old and make room for the new
  • Inner child work to create safety and receive love
  • Shadow work to integrate and transform the unconscious into true power
  • Healing Mother and Father wounds to receive more love
  • Balancing of feminine and masculine energies
  • Embodied mindfulness and presence
  • Authentic and empowered communication tools

All tension, “stuckness” and trauma is held in your body and your nervous system.

Through specific body-work protocols and somatic exercises, I will guide you into your body so that the root cause of the contracted state can be seen, felt, expressed and integrated back into wholeness through Loving Presence. Space is created through this integration, and it is from this place of expansion that the nervous system can be re-wired to experience what you truly desire. 

In gifting yourself this session, you’ll experience:


A container of deep safety, Loving Presence and acceptance, which allows you to also feel your own sense of acceptance, ease and safety.


A container of deep safety, Loving Presence and acceptance, which allows you to also feel your own sense of acceptance, ease and safety.


Laura's deep devotion and relationship to the Goddess, invoking various deities and subtle energies to provide support for the greatest transformation to take place in your session and life.


A unique alchemy and doorway into deeper personal transformation, in just one session.

Investment: $350

• 1:1, 90-minute Session for Individuals via Zoom
• Tailored Integration Practices
• Private Message Container with Laura for one week to support your post-session integration and recommended practices

Only 1 Breakthrough Session is available per person. Immersions and mentorships are available for longer periods of time by application.

If you would like to work more with Laura, you are encouraged to apply for Laura’s private mentorship program, or one of her group programs/offers.

Sessions are 90 minutes, but I recommend allowing for a window of two hours together to create spaciousness and ease, which is essential for the unfolding of this transformational process.

The value of this session may be applied to a private mentorship container that you enter into with Laura after this session, if you choose.

Listen to your body.

Can you hear a YES for doing this work?

If so…